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Recurring Tasks

This article describes how to set up and manage recurring tasks.

Written by Katie Briggs
Updated over 2 years ago

Tasks can be created to assign and schedule work that your team needs to complete, including inspections, asset maintenance, and issue remediation tasks. You can set a recurrence for tasks to save time and ensure inspections repeated with a regular cadence don't fall through the cracks.

NOTE: You will need to have our Intelligent Team Automation (Tasks and Issues) feature set enabled to use this workflow! If you do not see Tasks and Issues in Fulcrum, please reach out to our support team via the little red chat bubble in the bottom right and ask them to enable it. It is included with your existing subscription.

In this article, we will cover both creating a recurring task and managing the recurrence:

Create a recurring task

  1. From the Task List, select ADD TASK. This will bring up the task creation dialog box.

  2. After you select a Due Date, you will see a Repeat field. Select the recurrence option that applies to your task.

    1. Don't repeat

    2. Daily - this will generate a new task each day (including weekends).

    3. Weekly - this will generate a new task each week on the same day of the week as the due date. e.g. If the initial due date is Sept 9th, 2022 (a Friday), a new task will be generated and due each Friday after that.

    4. Bi-Weekly - this will generate a new task every other week.

    5. Every weekday (mon-fri) - this will generate a new task each day (excluding weekends).

    6. Every {due date selected} of the month - this will generate a new task on the same day each month. e.g. If the initial due date is Sept 9th, 2022, a new task will be generated and due on the 9th of each month.
      Note: if the initial due date is on the 29th, 30th, or 31st of the month and the next month does not have that date, the last day of the month will be used.

    7. Every month (on the {nth} {day of the week}) - this will generate a new task monthly on the same day of the week. e.g. If the initial due date is Sept 9th, 2022, a new task will be generated and due on the 2nd Friday of each month.
      Note: If a day in the 5th week of the month is selected as the initial due date, the recurrence will generate on the last week of each month.

  3. Select SAVE TASK when you are done filling out the task details.

  4. Your task will now display in the Task List and will show a recurrence icon next to the due date.

  5. The next task in the series will generate around midnight on the day that it is due and the task assignee will be notified. Tasks will generate regardless of the status of previous tasks in the series.

What data copies to the next task in the series?

The following data will copy from the latest task to the next task that is generated in that recurring task series:

  1. Assignee

  2. Title

  3. Description

  4. Task Type

  5. Priority

  6. Linked App - a linked app will copy but not a specific linked record

  7. Checklist - the checklist will copy but the values that have been filled out will not copy

    Note: Status, Location, Linked App Records, Linked Issues, Media, and Work Notes do not copy over to the next task since these are often specific to each task.

Manage/update the recurrence

A recurring task series can be updated by editing one of the tasks in the series. Below are a few common ways you may want to update the series:

  1. Updating the schedule

    1. To update the schedule of a series so that a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly task occurs on a different day:

      1. Open one of the tasks in the series.

      2. Modify the due date.

      3. Select SAVE TASK.

        The new schedule will impact any tasks in the future that have not already been created.

        Let's look at an example!

        1. My team has a task to perform a weekly eyewash station inspection.

        2. I initially set it up to be due every Friday by selecting Sept 9th, 2022 (a Friday) as the due date and setting a Weekly repeat option.

        3. It's now mid-October and we've adjusted our procedures to have these inspections done every Wednesday.

        4. To update the task series, I open the latest task in the series and update the due date to Oct 19th, 2022 (Wednesday).

        5. Now, each new future task that is created for this task series will be scheduled for Wednesday. The next one will be generated and due on Oct 26th, 2022.

    2. To update the Repeat option:

      1. Open one of the tasks in the series.

      2. Modify the Repeat option.

      3. Select SAVE TASK.

        The new schedule will impact any tasks in the future that have not already been created. For example, if you update a task series from Daily to Weekly, the next task will be generated according to that new weekly cadence.

  2. Updating the assignee, title, description, task type, project, priority, linked app, or checklist

    1. When updating one or more of the templated task fields that carry over to the next task in the series (see here for more info), you will have the option to "Update this task only" or "Update this and future tasks".

    2. By choosing "Update this and future tasks", the updated information will reflect in any tasks in the future that have not already been created.

How do I stop the recurrence?

A recurrence can be stopped by updating one of the tasks in that series to Don't Repeat. To do this:

  1. Open one of the tasks in the series.

  2. Update the Repeat option to Don't Repeat.

  3. Select SAVE TASK.

    After the recurrence is set to Don't Repeat, then no more tasks will be generated for that task series.

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