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Mobile widgets

Quickly access your most frequently used Fulcrum apps with widgets!

Jacob Payne avatar
Written by Jacob Payne
Updated over a week ago

Mobile widgets allow you to quickly access frequently used Fulcrum apps on your device. Widgets function slightly differently between Android and iOS, but both help to streamline your workflow for faster field operations.


Android widgets enable you to add an app icon directly to your home screen. Simply touch and hold an open space on your home screen. You’ll see an option at the bottom of the screen to view the widgets drawer. Tap on the widgets button to access your available widgets and scroll down to Fulcrum. Touch and hold to pick up the widget and drag it to any space on any screen. You will be prompted to choose an app and define whether the widget should open the app or create a new record when tapped. If your app has a custom icon, it will be used as the widget icon. Otherwise, a generic Fulcrum icon will be generated with a red top bar and the first letter of the app name.


On iOS, Fulcrum has a Today widget, which provides quick access to recently used Fulcrum apps. Your most recent apps will show up on the Today screen and can optionally appear on the lock screen if you have this enabled. Tapping the app icon will launch Fulcrum on the new record screen.

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