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What are PDF reports?

How PDF reports work in Fulcrum

Mike Meesseman avatar
Written by Mike Meesseman
Updated over 11 months ago

Fulcrum has the ability to create a PDF file that contains all of the information contained in a record, including all child records that are captured in a repeatable section.

The PDF report generator works differently than data viewers and record editors in the sense that it does not use any logic that you can add to your app's structure. Instead, the default reports will include all fields that have values, even if you set the field to be hidden in your app or use data events to dynamically hide fields. 

You should see similar results with the visibility logic since values stored in fields that are hidden due to the visibility logic are not considered to be valid values and are removed when the record is saved. 

However, it is important to note that if you have "preserve data in this field even if it is invisible" enabled then the field will show up in the PDF report. Additionally, label and hyperlink fields are considered to always have values. As a result, they will always be included in the default PDF reports. 

PDF reports can be generated through the web app and mobile apps. The mobile apps do require an internet connection to generate the report.

On some of our plans, you can also choose to include the PDF reports in the export options when you are exporting your data. This will include an individual PDF report for each record that is contained in the export file.

If you are not satisfied with the default PDF report template, we do offer a custom report service where the reports can be designed to your specifications. If this is something that you are interested in, please fill out the form at the bottom of our Professional Services page.

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