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How to Create Lines and Polygons in the Web app
How to Create Lines and Polygons in the Web app
Adrian Zuniga avatar
Written by Adrian Zuniga
Updated over 9 months ago

Important: Esri maps must be enabled to use Lines and Polygons.

What are Lines and Polygons?

The Lines and Polygons feature expands your data collection capabilities in Fulcrum, allowing you to capture more detailed spatial information. Instead of being limited to a single point on a map, you can draw lines or create polygons.

Lines and Polygons are stored as GeoJSON and can be downloaded or exported along with other record data.

How to enable Lines and Polygons on an App

Enable the 'Advanced Geometry' setting in the App Builder, under Location Settings. If you don't have permission to edit an app, please contact your org's admin.

Note: Lines and Polygons are available on Fulcrum Android or iOS versions 5.0.0 or greater.

Fulcrum does not currently support multiline, multipolygon, or multipoint geometries.

How to create and edit geometries

To create a Point, Line, or Polygon as part of a record, first create a new record by clicking the green plus 'New Record' button from the map view.

Or, open an existing record and click the 'Edit' button in the top right corner of the record viewer.

You will see a geometry toolbar in the top right corner of the map.


Select the Point tool to create a point.

Click on the map to place the point.

The point will be selected and can be moved by clicking and dragging the point to a new location.

To Remove a point, use the 'Trash Can' icon from the toolbar.


To create a line, select the Line tool to create a line.

Click on the map to place points. Repeat this step as many times as you wish to create the desired line.

To finish the line, double click or hit the enter key to place the final point.

The line you created will now be selected.

Once selected, you can move, rotate or scale the line.

To edit the line, click on the shape again until you see the points highlighted.

To edit points in your line, click on a point and drag it to a new location.

To remove a point from your line, right click on the point to delete it.

To add more points to your line, click the white mid-point along a line to create a new point.

Use the Undo or Redo buttons in the toolbar to save time when creating or editing your lines.


To create a polygon, first select the Polygon tool.

Click on the map to place points and define your shape.

To finish the polygon, double click or hit the enter key to place the final point.

The polygon you created will be selected.

Once selected, you can move, rotate or scale the polygon.

To edit the polygon, click on the shape again until you see the points highlighted.

To edit points in your Polygon, click on a point and drag it to a new location.

To remove a point from your Polygon, right click on the point to delete it.

To add more points to your line, click the white mid-point along a line to create a new point.

Use the Undo or Redo buttons in the toolbar to save time when creating or editing your lines.


Snapping allows you to place a vertex directly on another vertex or line segment.

Snapping should be enabled by default, however if you wish to turn it on or off, click the settings icon in the geometry tool bar.

Geometry Guides

Geometry Guides help you create geometries with 90° angles.

Geometry Guides can also help indicate when a line is parallel to another line.

Snapping to Nearby Records

To snap to nearby records, enable 'Nearby Records' under 'Snapping Layers' in the settings.

When enabled, you will be able to snap to nearby vertices or line segments while you are creating a geometry.

When hovering over a vertex, you will see the marker turn into a slightly larger circle with a small orange outline. The connected line segments will also turn orange.

You can also snap to a segment of a line or polygon. The line you are snapping to will turn orange.

Disabling 'Nearby Records' will disable snapping to other geometries in Fulcrum.

Snapping to Feature Service Layers

You can snap to geometries in a public or private feature service layer by enabling the layer on your map and enabling the layer in the 'Snapping Layers' settings.

Enabling Advanced Geometry in Repeatables

To enable Advanced Geometry in Repeatables, go to the 'App Editor' and click on the repeatable field. Check the box for 'Advanced Geometry Enabled?'.


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