Values are similar to data names for your fields but instead are used for choice options in choice field types (Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Yes/No, and Classification Set fields).
The "label" of the selected choice is what is displayed within Fulcrum, but when you go to export the data out of Fulcrum the "value" is what is included in the exported data.
Additionally, the "value" is what is pulled into calculation fields or data events. This allows you to populate the choice option label with human-friendly text while still storing the value that your system uses to represent a choice option.
Predefined Choice lists and Classification Sets
With predefined choice lists or classification sets the label column is on the left and the value column is on the right.
Inline Choice Lists
This option allows you to add a list of choices directly in the field options window. In order to define values inline for a choice list, use a semicolon (;) to separate the label and the value (no spaces in between) just like in the image below.
Yes/No Fields
For Yes/No fields, the label and values are populated directly within the field options modal. However, it is possible for the users to modify both in case they are using this field differently.
It is also possible to enable the N/A choice by clicking the corresponding checkbox from the field options. This will add a new line for this option that also includes a label and a value that can be modified if needed.
Values must be unique for each choice option. If the values are not unique then you can run into a situation where the system does not know which label to display for the value that is stored in a field.