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What are shared views?

Learn how to share a snapshot of your data.

Written by Corporate Systems
Updated over a week ago

A Shared View creates a publicly available URL that provides read-only access into a filtered subset of your data within an app. Enabling a Shared View allows you to publish a selection of data with clients, stakeholders, or the public. This feature allows users to share data while hiding certain parts of their data that may be sensitive and proprietary.

When a user elects to share a view, the provided URL contains a unique access token. You can use this token to retrieve data in one of the following formats: CSV, JSON, GeoJSON, KML, and (Esri) Feature Service.

Use caution when sharing this URL as it contains all the record information available within that View.

Sharing a View

From the Record Viewer, click the “Save View” button (or “Update View” button if it's already saved) to open the Shared View modal.

After you have applied some filters, you can Save that View, in order to access the data faster as well as share it with others.

Give your view a name. Saved Views are set to “Private” by default so select “Shared” as the type to make it a Shared View. This also reveals the sharing options. Select your format and click confirm to finish.

Changing the type of a View to 'Shared' provides additional configurations to make sure you share the data in the format you need.

Plans & Permissions

Shared Views are currently available on all plans.

By default, only the "Owner" system role has this permission enabled. To see, configure, and use Shared Views, a new custom role must be created in your organization and the member permission "Change Organization Profile" added.

Available information and Share format

Repeatable Section

CSV, JSON, and GeoJSON formats can provide repeatable data access by adding ?repeatable=repeatable_data_name at the end of the url.

Filtering the repeatable data is not yet available.

Accessing Media Files

Photos, videos, audio, and signature files are also accessible via a Shared Views. This URL links to a landing page where you can view that record's media files individually.

Media file URL links expire within 24 hours of the view creation.

Data Formats & Map Embeds

Shared Views provide direct data access in a variety of standard formats, which can be embedded into a website with an iframe, shared via social media, and more.


A simple flat file format that can be used directly with common spreadsheet software like Excel or as an import into other database and analysis systems. CSV feeds are also great for scripting custom integrations.


The JSON option returns Fulcrum's standard record format, which is used by the REST API records endpoint. This is the format used for creating and updating records via the API.


GeoJSON is an open standard JSON-based format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes. It's popular with desktop GIS and web mapping applications.


KML is an open standard XML-based format made popular by Google Earth.

Feature Service

This option provides an Esri Feature Service endpoint with a single Feature Layer, representing the view’s records. This read-only layer can be queried directly, referenced in a web map, or added to desktop GIS.

If you have Advanced Geometry enabled for your form, different geometry types can be accessed by altering the numeric index at the end of your Feature Service shared view URL. By default, the URL will look like this:{token}/rest/services/fulcrum/FeatureServer/0

The numeric index at the end of the URL indicates the specific geometry type being accessed:

  • /rest/services/fulcrum/FeatureServer/0 references Points

  • /rest/services/fulcrum/FeatureServer/1 references LineStrings

  • /rest/services/fulcrum/FeatureServer/2 references Polygons

  • /rest/services/fulcrum/FeatureServer/3 references MultiPoints

  • /rest/services/fulcrum/FeatureServer/4 references MultiLineStrings

  • /rest/services/fulcrum/FeatureServer/5 references MultiPolygons

Depending on your use case, you may choose to use either the top-level URL or an indexed layer-specific URL. For instance:

  • If you are using a Feature Server shared view URL to create a map layer in Fulcrum, you must specify which layer you are indexing.

  • QGIS only works with the top level url, not indexed layers

  • MapViewer only works with indexed layers; top level will not render anything

  • ArcGIS Pro can do both: top level or individual indexed layers

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