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What does the hidden checkbox option do?

Describing the hidden option in the field options modal on the App Designer.

Mike Meesseman avatar
Written by Mike Meesseman
Updated over a week ago

When the hidden checkbox option for a field is enabled that field will be hidden from view within the Fulcrum mobile apps, as well as the web app, when records are being created or edited. It is helpful when you wish to include data with your records but do not need the field users to access or see this data.

The "Hidden" option is available for all field types except Label fields.

Enabling a field to be hidden so that it is not displayed on both the web and mobile apps.


  • Fields set to hidden will be printed on default PDF reports.

  • Calculation fields that are set to be hidden will still run their calculations when the record is opened in the record editor.

  • It is possible to view hidden fields within the data table on the Data Viewer of the web app. This is done by enabling the field through the column setup option.

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