Each app on the Apps list has details about the app and a series of buttons that allow you to quickly access key data and functions for that particular app.
Below the record count are a series of buttons. Starting from the left and working right they are:
Dashboard - This button takes you to the dashboard for the app.
Records - This button takes you to the record editor for the app where you can view, edit, or create records within that app.
Designer - This button takes you to the app designer page for the app where you can edit the app's design and structure.
Importer - Start an import where you can create new records or update existing records into this app.
Exporter - Start an export where you can produce a file with the data and photos contained within the app.
More - open the More (3-dot) menu to access Member Permissions, Duplicate App, Share Template, Data Shares, and Delete App functions.